Bibliography of Literature on the Mimetic Theory vol. L*
by Dietmar Regensburger

University of Innsbruck

published in: Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence & Religion vol. 73 (August 2022)

Special issue dedicated to the

Bibliography of René Girard (1923-2015)


American Opinion of France, 1940–1943. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1950 (doctoral thesis).

Mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque. Paris: Grasset, 1961.

Deceit, Desire and the Novel: Self and Other in Literary Structure. Trans. by Y. Freccero. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1965.
Figuren des Begehrens. Das Selbst und der Andere in der fiktionalen Realität. Aus dem Französischen von E. Mainberger-Ruh. Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, Münster: LIT, 1998.
Menzogna romantica e verità romanzesca. Trans. Leonardo Verdi-Vighetti. Roma: Bompiani, 2002.
Mentira romántica y verdad novelesca. Trans. Joaquín Jordá. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 1985.
Prawda powieściowa i klamstwo romantyczne. Przel. K. Kot. Warszawa: KR, 2001.

Dostoievski: du double à l’unité. Paris: Plon, 1963.

Resurrection from the Underground: Feodor Dostoevsky. Translated and foreword by J. G. Williams. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1997.
Dostoevskij dal doppio all’unità. Trans. Roberto Rossi. Milano: SE, 1987.
Dostojevsky: Fra dobbeltgaenger til enhed. Frederiksberg: Anis 1991.

La violence et le sacré. Paris: Grasset, 1972.

Violence and the Sacred. Trans. P. Gregory. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977.
Das Heilige und die Gewalt. Aus dem Französischen von E. Mainberger-Ruh. Zürich: Benziger, 1987.
La violenza e il sacro. A cura di Ottavio Fatica e Eva Czerkl. Milano: Adelphi, 1980.
La violencia y lo sagrado. Trans. Joaquín Jordá. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama 1983.
God en Geweld: Over de oorsprong van mens en cultuur. Tielt/Belgium: Mimesis/Lannoo 1993.

Critique dans un souterrain. Lausanne: L’Age d’Homme, 1976.

»To double business bound«: Essays on Literature, Mimesis, and Anthropology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978.

Literatura, mímesis y antropología. Trans. Luis Alberto Bixio. Barcelona: Editorial Gedisa, 1984.

Des choses cachées depuis la fondation du monde. Paris: Grasset, 1978.

Things Hidden since the Foundation of the World: Research undertaken in collaboration with J.-M. Oughourlian and G. Lefort. Trans. S. Bann and M. Metteer. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987.
Das Ende der Gewalt. Analyse des Menschheitsverhängnisses. Erkundungen zu Mimesis und Gewalt mit Jean-Michel Oughourlian und Guy Lefort. Trans. Elisabeth Mainberger-Ruh. Freiburg: Herder, 2009.
El misterio de nuestro mundo: Clave para una interpretación antropológica: Diálogos con Jean-Michel Oughourlian y Guy Lefort. Hermeneia 19. Salamanca: Sigueme 1982.
Delle cose nascoste sin dalla fondazione del mondo. A cura di Rolando Damiani. Milano: Adelphi, 2001.

Le bouc émissaire. Paris: Grasset, 1982.

The Scapegoat. Trans. Y. Freccero. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.
Der Sündenbock. Aus dem Französischen von E. Mainberger-Ruh. Zürich: Benziger, 1988 (identical paperback edition: Ausstoßung und Verfolgung. Eine historische Theorie des Sündenbocks. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1992).
l capro espiatorio. A cura di Christine Leverd e F. Bovoli. Milano, Adelphi, 1987.
El chivo expiatorio. Trans. Joaquín Jordá. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama 1986
Konziol ofiarny. Trans Mirosława Goszczyńska. Lódz: Wydawnictwo Lódzkie, 1987.

Literatura, mimesis y antropología. Colección Hombre y sociedad. Serie Meditaciones 10. Barcelona: Gedisa 1984.

La route antique des hommes pervers. Paris: Grasset, 1985.

Job, the Victim of His People. Trans. Y. Freccero. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987.
Hiob – ein Weg aus der Gewalt. Aus dem Französischen von E. Mainberger-Ruh. Zürich: Benziger, 1990.
L’antica via degli empi. A cura di Carla Giardino. Milano: Adelphi, 1994.
La ruta antigua de los hombres perversos. Trans. Francisco Díez del Corral. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 1989.
Dawna droga, którz kroczyli ludzie niegodziw. Przelozyla Miroslawa Goszezynska Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Spacja 1992.

Violent Origins: Walter Burkert, René Girard, and Jonathan Z. Smith on Ritual Killing and Cultural Formation, ed. Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly, 73-145. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. 1987.

Sanglantes origines entretiens avec Walter Burkert, Renato Rosaldo et Jonathan Z. Smith. Trans. Bernard Vincent, Mark R. Anspach, and Lucien Scubla. Paris: Flammarion, 2010.

A Theater of Envy: William Shakespeare. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.

Shakespeare. Les feux de l’envie. Traduit de l´anglais par B. Vincent. Paris: Grasset, 1990.
Shakespeare: Theater des Neides. Trans. Wiebke Meier. München: Hanser, 2011.
Shakespeare. Il teatro dell’invidia. A cura di Giovanni Luciani, Milano: Adelphi, 1998.
Shakespeare: los fuegos de la envidia. Trans. Joaquín Jordá. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 1995.

Quand ces choses commenceront … Entretiens avec Michel Treguer. Paris: arléa, 1994.

When These Things Begin: Conversations with Michel Treguer. Trans. Trevor Cribben Merrill. Studies in Violence, Mimesis, and Culture. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2014.
Wenn all das beginnt … Dialog mit Michel Treguer. Aus dem Französischen von P. Veldboer. Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, Münster: LIT, 1997.
Quando queste cose cominceranno. Conversazioni con Michel Treguer. A cura di Alberto Beretta Anguissola. Roma: Bulzoni, 2005.
Cuando empiecen a suceder estas cosas…: Conversaciones con Michel Treguer. Madrid: Encuentro, 1996.

The Girard Reader, edited by James G. Williams. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1996.

Il risentimento. Lo scacco del desiderio nell’uomo contemporaneo. Trans. Alberto Signorini, con introduzione di Stefano Tomelleri. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 1999.

Je vois Satan tomber comme l’éclair. Paris: Grasset, 1999.

I See Satan Fall Like Lightning. Translated, with a Foreword, by J. G. Williams. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2001.
Ich sah den Satan vom Himmel fallen wie einen Blitz. Eine kritische Apologie des Christentums. Aus dem Französischen von E. Mainberger-Ruh. Mit einem Nachwort von P. Sloterdijk. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2002.
Vedo Satana cadere come la folgore. a cura di Giuseppe Fornari. Milano: Adelphi, 2001.
Veo a Satán caer como el relámpago. Trans. Francisco Díez del Corral. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 2002.
Widzialem szatana spadającego z nieba jak blyskawica. Przel. E. Burska. Warszawa: PAX, 2002.

La vittima e la folla. Violenza del mito e cristianesimo. Testi scelti a cura di Giuseppe Fornari. Treviso: Santi Quaranta, 1998.

La pietra scartata: Antigiudaismo cristiano e antropologia evangelica. A cura e traduzione di Alberto Signorini. Magnano: Edizioni Qiqajon, 2000.

La piedra desechada: Antijudaísmo cristiano y antropología evangélica. Trans. Ángel Barahona. MADRID: Ed. Caparrós, 2008.

Um longo argumento do princípio ao fim: diálogos com João Cezar de Castro Rocha e Pierpaolo Antonello. Coleção Teoria e história 1. Rio de Janeiro: Topbooks, 2000.

Les origines de la culture. Entretiens avec Pierpaolo Antonello at João Cezar de Castro Rocha. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 2003.
Evolution and Conversion: Dialogues on the Origin of Culture. With Pierpaolo Antonello at João Cezar de Castro Rocha. London: Continuum, 2008.
Origine della cultura e fine della storia. Dialoghi con Pierpaolo Antonello e João Cezar de Castro Rocha. Trans. Eliana Crestani, Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2003.
Los orígenes de la cultura: conversaciones con Pierpaolo Antonello y João Cezar de Castro Rocha. Trans. José Luis San Miguel de Pablos. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 2006.
Początki kultury. Przel. M. Romanek. Kraków: Znak, 2006.

Celui par qui le scandale arrive. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 2001.

The One by Whom Scandal Comes. Trans. M. B. DeBevoise. Studies in Violence, Mimesis, and Culture. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2014.
La pietra dello scandalo. A cura di Giuseppe Fornari. Milano: Adelphi, 2004.
Aquel por el que llega el escándalo. Trans. Ángel Barahona. MADRID: Ed. Caparrós, 2006.

Girard, René and Giuseppe Fornari. Il caso Nietzsche. Torino: Marietti, 2002.

La voix méconnue du réel. Une théorie des mythes archaïques et modernes. Traduit de l’anglais par B. Formentelli. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 2002.
Articles originally published in »To double business bound«: Essays on Literature, Mimesis, and Anthropology and The Girard Reader.

Die verkannte Stimme des Realen. Eine Theorie archaischer und moderner Mythen. Trans. Petra Willim. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2005.
La voce inascoltata della realtà. A cura di Giuseppe Fornari. Milano: Adelphi, 2006.

Le sacrifice. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2003.

Sacrifice. Trans. by Matthew Pattillo and David Dawson. Breakthroughs in Mimetic Theory. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2011.
El sacrificio. Trans. by Clara Bonet Ponce. Madrid: Encuentro, 2012.
Il sacrificio. Trans. Claudio Tarditi, a cura di Pierpaolo Antonello. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2004.

La pietra dello scandalo. A cura di Giuseppe Fornari. Milano: Adelphi, 2004.

Aquel Por El Que Llega El Escándalo. Trans. Ángel Jorge Barahona Plaza. Madrid: Caparrós Editores, 2006.

Oedipus Unbound: Selected Writings on Rivalry and Desire, edited and with an introduction by Mark R.Anspach. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004.

Edipo liberato, edited by M. R. Anspach. Massa: Transeuropa, 2019.

Miti d’origine. Persecuzioni e ordine culturale, edited by P. Antonello and G. Fornari. Trans. E. Crestani. Ancona: Transeuropa, 2005.

Il pensiero rivale. Dialoghi su letteratura, filosofia e antropologia, edited by P. Antonello and B. Carnevali. Ancona: Transeuropa, 2006. 

Girard, René, and Gianni Vattimo. Verità o fede debole? Dialogo su cristianesimo e relativismo. Massa: Transeuropa, 2006.

Christianity, Truth, and Weakening Faith: A Dialogue, edited and with an introduction by Pierpaolo Antonello. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.
Christianisme et modernité. Trans. Renaud Temperini. Collection Champs 864. Paris: Flammarion, 2009.
Christentum und Relativismus. Trans. Christine Boesten-Stengel. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 2008.
Verdad o fe débil. Diálogo sobre cristianismo y relativismo. Madrid: Caparrós, 2008.

Achever Clausewitz. Entretiens avec Benoît Chantre. Paris: Carnets Nord, 2007.

Battling to the End: Conversations with Benoît Chantre. Trans. Mary Baker. Studies in Violence, Mimesis, and Culture. East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University Press, 2010.
Im Angesicht der Apokalypse. Clausewitz zu Ende denken: Gespräche mit Benoît Chantre. Trans. Stefanie Günthner. Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 2014.
Portando Clausewitz all’estremo. A cura di Giuseppe Fornari. Milano: Adelphi, 2008.
Clausewitz en los extremos. Política, guerra y apocalipsis. Trans. Luciano Padilla López. Madrid:Katz Editores, 2010.
Apokalipsa tu i teraz. Kraków Poland: WAM, 2018.

De La Violence à La Divinité. Bibliothèque Grasset. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 2007.
(Collective volume including Mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque, La violence et le Sacré, Des choses cachées depuis la fondation du monde and Le bouc émissaire)

Wissenschaft und christlicher Glaube. Lucas-Preis 2006, ed. Eilert Herms. Trans. Shivaun Heath. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2007.
(bilingual Englisch/German)

Girard, René, André Gounelle, and Alain Houziaux. Dieu, une invention? Questions de vie. Ivry-sur-Seine: les Éd. de l’Atelier, 2007.

Girard, René, and Michel Serres. Le Tragique et la Pitié. Discours de réception de René Girard à l’Académie française et réponse de Michel Serres. Paris: Le Pommier, 2007. 

Anorexie et désir mimétique. Préface De J.-M. Oughourlian. Trans. Olivia Mauriac and Mark R. Anspach. Paris: Edition L’Herne, 2008.

Anorexia and Mimetic Desire. Trans. Mark R. Anspach. Breakthroughs in Mimetic Theory. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2013.
Anoressia e desiderio mimetico. Trans. Claudio Tarditi, Torino: Lindau, 2009.
La anorexia y el deseo mimético. Trans. Elisenda Julibert. Barcelona: Marbot Ediciones. 

Cahier Girard, edited by Mark R. Anspach. Cahiers de l’Herne 89. Paris: Edition L’Herne, 2008.

La conversion de l’art. Paris: Carnets Nord, 2008.

Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

Qu’est-ce qu’un mythe? Paris: Grasset, 2008.

Voldens Verden – Verdens Vold. Redigeret Af Jørgen Jørgensen. 2 vols. Frederiksberg: Aros Forlag, 2008.

Géométries du désir. Introduction de Mark Anspach. Trans. Mark R. Anspach and Myriam Dennehy. Paris: L’HERNE, 2010.

Geometrie del desiderio. Minima 116. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2012.
Geometrías del deseo. Trans. María Tabuyo y Agustín López. México: Sexto Piso, 2011.

Girard, René, and Dupuy Jean-Pierre. Prima dell’Apocalisse. Trans. B. Amali. Transeuropa Edizioni, 2010. 

Girard, René, and Wolfgang Palaver. Gewalt und Religion. Ursache oder Wirkung? Trans. Heide Lipecky and Andreas Leopold Hofbauer. Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 2010.

Violenza e religione. Causa o effetto? Trans. Anna Castelli. Minima 113. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2011.
Βία και θρησκεία: Αιτία ή αποτέλεσμα. Trans. Antonios Kalatzis. Athens: Nisos Academic Publishers, 2017.

Les grands entretiens d’artpress. René Girard, by Jacques Henric, François Lagarde, Philippe Muray. Préface de Benoît Chantre. Les grands entretiens d’artpress 23. Paris: artpress, 2015.

Girard, René, and Raymund Schwager. Briefwechsel mit René Girard. Raymund Schwager – Gesammelte Schriften 6. Freiburg im Breisgau: Verlag Herder, 2014.

René Girard and Raymund Schwager: Correspondence 1974–1991. Trans. Chris Fleming and Sheelah Treflé Hidden. Violence, Desire, and the Sacred 4. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.

Reading the Bible with Rene Girard: Conversations with Steven E. Berry. Foreword by Cowdell Scott. Edited by Michael Hardin. Lancaster, PA: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.

Mimesi e pensiero. Saggi su filosofia e letteratura, edited by Pierpaolo Antonello. Massa: Transeuropa, 2019.

Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy, edited by Cynthia L. Haven. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.

Violence, the Sacred, and Things Hidden: A Discussion With René Girard at Esprit 1973. Trans. Andrew J. McKenna. Breakthroughs in Mimetic Theory. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2021.

Contributions to Collective Works

“Duc de Saint-Simon. ” In A Critical Bibliography of French Literature 3, ed. D. C. Cabeen and J. Brody, 336-41. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1961.

“General Studies on the Novel.” In A Critical Bibliography of French Literature 3, ed. D. C. Cabeen and J. Brody, 125-29. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1961.

“Introduction.” In Proust: A Collection of Critical Essays, ed. René Girard, 1-12. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1962.

“Apropos de Jean-Paul Sartre: rupture et création littéraire.” In Chemins actuels de la critique, ed. G. Poulet. Paris: Plon, 1967.

“A propos de Jean-Paul Sartre: rupture et création littéraire.” In Les Chemins actuels de la critique, 223–41. Paris: Union Générale d’Editions, 1968.

Englisch translation:
“Rupture and Literary Creation in Jean-Paul Sartre.” Trans. Robert Doran. Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 22/1 (2015): 1–15.

“La notion de structure en critique littéraire.” In Quatre conférences sur la nouvelle critique, 61-73. Turin: Società Editrice Internationale, 1968.

“Triangular Desire.” In Stendhal, Red and B1ack, ed. Robert M. Adams, 503-21. New York: Norton, 1969.

“Explication de texte de Jean-Paul Sartre.” In Explication de textes II, ed. Jean Sareil, 175-91. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1970.

Une analyse d’Oedipe Roi.” In Critique sociologique et critique psychanalytique, ed. Institute de Sociologie, Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, 127-63. Brussels, 1970.

“Tiresias and the Critic (Introduction).” In The Languages of Criticism and the Sciences of Man, ed. Richard Macksey and Eugenio Donato, 15-21. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1970.

“Stendhal et les problèmes de noblesse.” In Stendhal: Textes recueillis et présentés, par J. P. Bardos, 151-169. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1970.

“La grâce romanesque.” In Les critiques de notre temps et Proust, ed. Jacques Bersani, 134-39. Paris: Garnier, 1971.

“Introduction to ‘De la folie.'” In L ‘esprit moderne dans 1a littérature française, ed. Reinhard Kuhn, 59-64. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1972.

Myth and Ritual in Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” In Memorial Lectures, ed. Harry F. Camp, 1-17. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1972.

Reprinted in: Textual Strategies: Perspectives in Post-Structuralist Criticism, ed. Josue Harari, 189-212. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1979.

“From The Divine Comedy to the Sociology of the Novel.” In Sociology of Literature and Drama, ed. Elizabeth and Tom Burns, 101-08. Penguin Books, 1973.

“Preface.” In Structures romanesques et vision sociale chez G. de Maupassant, ed. Charles Castella, I-V. Lausanne: L’Age de l’Homme, 1973.

“Un’analisi di Edipo Re.” In La critica tra Marx e Freud: Studi di sociologia della letteratura, ed. A. Ceccaroni and G. Pagliaro Ungari, 119-59. Florenz: Guaraldi 1973.

“Critical Reflections on Literary Studies.” In Velocities of Change, ed. Richard Macksey, 72-88. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974.

“Preface.” In Mimesis Conflictiva, ed. Cesáreo Bandera, 9-18. Madrid: Gredos, 1975.

“Dalla ‘Divina Commedia’ alla sociologia del romanzo.” In Sociologia della letteratura: Letture critiche, ed. A. Luzi, 154-61. Mursia: 1977.

Narcissism: The Freudian Myth Demythified by Proust.” In Psychoanalysis, Creativity, and Literature, ed. Alan Roland, 293-311. New York: Columbia University Press, 1978.

Reprinted in:
Literature and Psychoanalysis, ed. Edith Kurzweil and William Phillips, 363-77. New York: Columbia University Press, 1983.
Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 174-93. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

“Postface.” In L’enfer des choses: René Girard et 1a logique de l’économie, ed. Paul Dumouchel and Jean-Pierre Dupuy, 257-65. Paris: Seuil, 1979.

“Shakespeare’s Theory of Mythology.” In Classical Mythology in Twentieth-Century Thought and Literature, ed. W. Aycock and T. Klein, 107-24. Lubbock, Tex.: Texas Tech University, 1980.

“Comedies of Errors: Plautus – Shakespeare – Molière.” In American Criticism in the Post-Structuralist Age, ed. Ira Konigsberg, 68-86. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1981.

“Culture ‘primitive’, giudaismo, cristianismo.” In La penadi morte del mondo, ed Casale Marietti, 75-86. Monferrato, 1983.

“La contingence dans les affaires humaines: ‘Debat Castoriadis – René Girard.” In L’auto-organisation de la physique au politique, ed. P. Dumouchel and Jean-Pierre Dupuy, 279-301, 331-52. Paris: Seuil, 1983.

“La danse de Salomé.” In L’auto-organisation de la physique au politique. ed. P. Dumouchel and Jean-Pierre Dupuy, 365-71. Paris: Seuil, 1983.

“Preface.” In The Secret Sharers: Studies in Contemporary Fictions, ed. Bruce Bassoff, 9-15. AMS Ars Poetica 1. New York: AMS Press, 1983.

“Disorder and Order in Mythology.” In Disorder and Order: Proceedings of the Stanford International Symposium (Sept. 14-16.1981), ed. Paisley Livingston, 80-97. Stanford Literature Studies 1. Saratoga, Calif.: Anma Libri, 1984.

“Mythos und Gegenmythos: Zu Kleists ‘Das Erdbeben in Chili’.” In Positionen der Literaturwissenschaft: Acht Modellanalysen am Beispiel von Kleists ‘Das Erdbeben in Chili’, ed. David Wellbery, 130-148. München: Beck 1985.

“Violence et reciprocité.” In Les Cahiers de l’IPC 2. Special issue: L’Acte de violence, ed. Institut des Psychologues Cliniciens, 53-88. Paris, 1985.

The Politics of Desire in Troilus and Cressida.” In Shakespeare and the Question of Theory, ed. Patricia Parker and Geoffrey Hartman, 188-209. London: Methuen, 1985.

“To Entrap the Wisest’: A Reading of The Merchant of Venice.” In Literature and Society, ed. Edward W. Said, 100-19. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985.

“La meurtre fondateur dans la pensée de Nietzsche.” In Violence et vérité: Autour de René Girard, ed. Paul Dumouchel, 597-613. Colloque de Cerisy. Paris: Grasset, 1985.

“Bottom’s One-Man Show.” In The Current in Criticism, ed. Clayton Koelb and Virgil Lokke, 99-122. West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Press, 1987.

“Der tragische Konflikt.” In Das Tabu der Gewalt, ed. Hildegard Fässler, 63-76. Wissenschaft und Verantwortlichkeit 1. Innsbruck: Eigenverlag 1987.

“Der grundlegende Mord im Denken Nietzsches.” In Das Heilige: Seine Spur in der Moderne, ed. Dietmar Kamper, and Christof Wulf, 255-274. Die weiße Reihe. Frankfurt am Main: Athenäum 1987.

“Des pestes médiévales au SIDA: le danger des extrapolations abusives.” In Proceedings d’un symposium sur l’AIDS, 20-21 juin, Annecy, France, 138-46. Annecy: Fondation M. Mérieux, 1987.

Generative Scapegoating.” In: Violent Origins: Walter Burkert, René Girard, and Jonathan Z. Smith on Ritual Killing and Cultural Formation, ed. Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly, 73-145. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. 1987.

“Jealousy in The Winter’s Tale.” In Alphonse Juilland: d’une passion l’autre, ed. Brigitte Cazelles and René Girard, 39-62. Saratoga, Calif.: Anma Libri, 1987.

“La mythologie et sa déconstruction dans ‘L’Anneau du Nibelung.'” In Structures et temporalités figures du désir, de la dette et du sacrifice, ed. Centre de recherche en epistémologie appliquée, 57-201. Cahiers du CREA 12. Paris: C.R.E.A., 1988.

“The Founding Murder in the Philosophy of Nietzsche.” In Violence and Truth: On the Work of René Girard, ed. Paul Dumouchel, 227-46. London: Athlone Press, 1988.

Theory and Its Terrors.” In The Limits of Theory, ed. Thomas M. Kavanagh, 225-54. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1989.

Reprinted in: Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 194-213. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

“Envy of So Rich a Thing: ‘The Rape of Lucrece.’ ” In The Scope of Words: In Honor of Albert S. Cook, ed. Peter Baker, Sarah Webster Goodwin, and Gary Handwerk, 135-44. New York: Peter Lang, 1991.

“Il racconto delle origine.” In: Origine et fine: SFERA 24, 16-18. Rome: Editrice Sigma-Tau 1991.

“La violenza fondatrice.” In La narrazione delle origini, ed. Lorena Preta, 92-108. Rome: Giuseppe Laterza et Figli 1991.

“Es saugt das große Rom sich zur Belebung sein Blut aus dir: Der gründende Mord in “Julius Caesar”.” In Julius Caesar (Programmheft der Salzburger Festspiele), ed. Gundl Hradil, 95-107. Salzburg: Reischl-Druck,1992.

“Innere Wut und wilder Bürgerzwist: Gewalttätige Polarisierung in “Julius Caesar”.” In Julius Caesar (Programmheft der Salzburger Festspiele), ed. Gundl Hradil, 85-95. Salzburg: Reischl-Druck, 1992.

Origins: A View from the Literature.” In Understanding Origins: Contemporary Views on the Origin of Life. Mind and Society, ed. Francisco J. Varela and Jean-Pierre Dupuy, 27-42. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 130. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992.

A Response: Reflections from the Perspective of Mimetic Theory.” In Violence and the Sacred in the Modern World, ed. Mark Juergensmeyer, 141-48. London: Frank Cass & Co., 1992.

Job as Failed Scapegoat.” In The Voice from the Whirlwind: Interpreting the Book of Job, ed. Leo G. Perdue and Clark Gilpin, 185-207. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1992.

“Raison et folie dans I’oeuvre de Shakespeare.” In Autonomie et automatisme dans la psychose, ed. Henry Grivois, 141-53. Paris: Masson/Coll. Histoire et Psychiatrie de I’Hôtel-Dieu, 1992.

“A Venda Myth Analyzed.” In René Girard and Myth: An Introduction, ed. R. J. Golsan. Theorists of Myth 7, 151-79. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1993.

French translation: Qu’est-ce qu’un mythe? Paris: Grasset, 2008.

“How Can Satan Cast out Satan?” In Biblische Theologie und gesellschaftlicher Wandel: Für Norbert Lohfink SJ, ed. G. Braulik, W. Groß, and S. McEvenue, 125-41. Freiburg: Herder, 1993.

Die Einheit von Ethik und Ästhetik im Ritual.” In Ethik der Ästhetik, ed. Christoph Wulf, Dietmar Kamper, and Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, 69-74. Acta humaniora. Berlin: Akademie Verlag 1994.

Automatismes et liberté.” In Mécanismes mentaux, mécanismes sociaux: De la psychose à la panique, ed. Henri Grivois, and Jean-Pierre Dupuy, 109-25. Paris: Éditions La découverte 1995.

“Mimetische Theorie und Theologie.” In Vom Fluch und Segen der Sündenböcke: Raymund Schwager zum 60. Geburtstag. FS Raymund Schwager, ed. Józef Niewiadomski and Wolfgang Palaver, 15-29. Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 1. Thaur: Kulturverlag 1995.

“Essay von René Girard: Zu den Photographien von Herlinde Koelbl.” In:  Koelbl, Herlinde, Opfer: Ein Zyklus von Herlinde Koelbl. Heidelberg: Edition Braus, 1996.

“Mythologie, geweld en christendom.” In René Girard, het labyrint von het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Paul Pelckmans, Guido Vanheeswijck, 13-30. Kapellen: Pelckmans, 1996.

“Dialogo tra il Cardinale Carlo Maria Martini e René Girard. ” In Fedi e violenze, ed Carlo Maria Martini, 37-42. Cattedra dei non credenti 9. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier 1997.

“Mimetic Desire in the Underground: Feodor Dostoevsky.” In Girard, René. Resurrection from the Underground: Feodor Dostoevsky, 143-65. New York: Crosssroad Publishing Company, 1997.

Reprinted in: Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 246-62. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.
French translation in: La voix méconnue du réel. Une théorie des mythes archaïques et modernes. Traduit de l’anglais par B. Formentelli. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 2002.
German translation in: Die verkannte Stimme des Realen. Eine Theorie archaischer und moderner Mythen. Trans. Petra Willim. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2005.  

“Violenza e verità nei Vangeli e nella mitologia.” In Fedi e violenze, ed Carlo Maria Martini, 21-35. Cattedra dei non credenti 9. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier 1997.

“Reconciliation, Violence and the Gospel.” In Visible Violence: Sichtbare und verschleierte Gewalt im Film. Beiträge zum Symposium ‘Film and Modernity. Violence, Sacrifice and Religion’, Graz 1997, ed. Gerhard Larcher, Franz Grabner, and Christian Wessely, 211-21. Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 10. Münster / Thaur 1998.

“Pourquoi la violence?” In Comprendre pour agir: violences, victimes et vengeances. Textes présentés lors d’un colloque organisé conjointement par la Société de philosophie du Québec et la fondation des victimes du 6 décembre contre la violence, tenue à l’Université du Québec à Montréal les 4 et 5 déc. 1999, ed. Paul Dumouchel, 13-30. Paris: Distribution de livres Univers; L’Harmattan 2000.

“Violence Renounced” (Response by René Girard). In Violence Renounced: René Girard, Biblical Studies, and Peacemaking, ed. Willard M. Swartley. Studies in Peace and Scripture 4, 308-20. Telford, PA: Pandora Press 2000.

“Tatsachen, nicht nur Interpretationen.” In Das Opfer – aktuelle Kontroversen: Religionspolitischer Diskurs im Kontext der mimetischen Theorie; deutsch-italienische Fachtagung der Guardini-Stiftung in der Villa Vigoni 18.-22. Oktober 1999, ed. Bernhard Dieckmann, 261-79. Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 12. Münster; Thaur 2001.
Italian translation: “Non solo interpretazioni: Ci sono anche i fatti.” Traduzioni di Cristina Grasseni. In Pluriverso V/4 (OttobreDicembre 2000) 1627.

“The Passionate Oxymoron in Romeo and Juliet.” In Passions in Economy, Politics, and the Media: In Discussion with Christian Theology, edited by Wolfgang Palaver and Petra Steinmair-Pösel, 17–34. Münster: LIT, 2005.
Reprinted in: Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 274-90. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

“Violence and Religion.” In Das Gewaltpotential des Monotheismus und der dreieine Gott, edited by Peter Walter, 180–90. Quaestiones Disputatae 216. Freiburg: Herder, 2005.

“Innere Wut Und Wilder Bürgerzwist. Gewalttätige Polarisierung in Julius Caesar.” In William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, ed. Joachim Lux, trans. Karin Rausch, 49–55. Wien: Burgtheater, 2007.

“Introduction.” In De La Violence à La Divinité, 7–28. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 2007.

“Mythos Und Ritual Bei Shakespeare: ‘Ein Sommernachtstraum’. Gelesen von Theu Boermans.” In William Shakespeare, Ein Sommernachtstraum, translated by Anita Aichinger and Sebastian Huber, 21–43. Wien: Burgtheater, 2007.

“Oh, Verschwörung! Mimetische Verführung in Julius Caesar.” .” In William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, ed. Joachim Lux, trans. Karin Rausch, 43–48. Wien: Burgtheater, 2007.

“The Evangelical Subversion of Myth.” In Politics & Apocalypse, edited by Robert Hamerton-Kelly, 29–49. East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University Press, 2007.

Conversion in Literature and Christianity.” In Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 263-72. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

“L’amitié qui se transforme en haine (1986).” In Cahier Girard, edited by Mark R. Anspach, 198–202. Cahiers de l’Herne 89. Paris: Edition L’Herne, 2008.

“L’enfance en Avignon au temps jadis.” In Cahier Girard, edited by Mark R. Anspach, 35–40. Cahiers de l’Herne 89. Paris: Edition L’Herne, 2008.

“La réciprocité dans le désir et la violence.” In Cahier Girard, ed. Anspach, Mark R., 183-197. Paris: Edition L’Herne, 2008.

“Le classicisme et l’historiographie voltairienne.” In Cahier Girard, ed. Anspach, Mark R., 44-47. Paris: Edition L’Herne, 2008.

“Le déclin temporaire de l’influence culturelle française en Amérique après « l’étrange défaite ».” In Cahier Girard, edited by Mark R. Anspach, 41–43. Cahiers de l’Herne 89. Paris: Edition L’Herne, 2008.

“Mémoires d’une existentialiste rangée.” In Cahier Girard, ed. Anspach, Mark R., 48-50. Paris: Edition L’Herne, 2008.

 “Réponse à Jacques T. Godbout sur le jugement de Salomon.” In Cahier Girard, ed. Anspach, Mark R., 158-159. Paris: Edition L’Herne, 2008.

 “Réponse à Sandor Goodhart sur la victime innocente.” In Cahier Girard, ed. Anspach, Mark R., 153-155. Paris: Edition L’Herne, 2008.

“Satan et le scandale (1986).” In Cahier Girard, edited by Mark R. Anspach, 119–24. Cahiers de l’Herne 89. Paris: Edition L’Herne, 2008.

“Souvenirs d’un jeune Français aux États-Unis.” In Cahier Girard, edited by Mark R. Anspach, 29–34. Cahiers de l’Herne 89. Paris: Edition L’Herne, 2008.

“On War and Apocalypse.” First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion & Public Life no. 195 (September 2009): 17–22.

“Agneau de dieu.” In Figures du Messie, edited by Benoît Chantre, 7–9. Paris: le Pommier, 2011.

Totem und Tabu und die Inzestverbote.” In 100 Jahre ‘Totem und Tabu’. Freud und die Fundamente der Kultur, edited by Eberhard Th Haas, 77–98. Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag, 2012.

“Animal Scapegoating at Çatalhöyük.” In How We Became Human: Mimetic Theory and the Science of Evolutionary Origins, edited by Pierpaolo Antonello and Paul Gifford, 217–32. Studies in Violence, Mimesis, and Culture. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2015.

“Literature and Christianity: A Personal View.” In Mimesis, Desire, and the Novel: Rene Girard and Literary Criticism, edited by Pierpaolo Antonello and Heather Webb, 279–90. Studies in Violence, Mimesis, and Culture. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2015.

“Oedipus and the Surrogate Victim.” In The Oedipus Casebook, edited by Mark R. Anspach, 245–68. Studies in Violence, Mimesis & Culture. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2020. (Reprint of chapter 3 of Girard, Violence and the Sacred, 1977).


“L’homme et le cosmos dans L’Espoir et Les Noyers de l’Altenburg d’André Malraux.” Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 68 (1953): 49-55.

“Les refléctions sur I’art dans les romans de Malraux.” Modern Language Notes 68 (1953): 544-46.

“Le règne animal dans les romans de Malraux.” French Review 26 (1953): 261- 67.

“The Role of Eroticism in Malraux’s Fictions.” Yale French Studies 11 (1953): 49-58.

“L’histoire dans l’oeuvre de Saint-John Perse.” Romanic Review 44 (1953): 47-55.

English translation:
History in Saint-John Perse.” In Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 01-12. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

“Marriage in Avignon in the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century.” Speculum 28 (1953): 485-98.

“Franz Kafka et ses critiques.” Symposium 7 (1953): 34-44.

“Valéry et Stendhal.” Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 59 (1954): 347-57.

English translation:
Valery and Stendhal.” In Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 13-25. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

“André Suarès et les autres.” Cahiers du Sud 42/329 (1955): 14-18.

“Existentialism and Criticism.” Yale French Studies 16 (1956): 45-52.

Reprinted in: Sartre: A Collection of Critical Essays, ed. Edith Kern, 121-28. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1962.

“Situation du poète américain.” Cahiers du Sud 42/336 (1956): 196-202.

“Saint-Simon et la critique.” French Review 29 (1956): 389-94.

“Winds and Poetic Experience.” The Berkeley Review 1 (Winter 1956): 46-52.

“Où va le Roman?” French Review 30 (1957): 201-6.

English translation:
“The Future of the Novel.” Trans. Robert Doran. Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 19 (2012): 1–8.

“Man, Myth and Malraux.” Yale French Studies 18 (1957): 55-62.

Classicism and Voltaire‘s Historiography.” The American Magazine of the French Legion of Honor 243 (1958): 151-60.

Reprinted in: Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 33-41. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

Stendhal and Tocqueville.” The American Magazine of the French Legion of Honor 31/2 (1960): 73-83.

Reprinted in: Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 42-49. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

Pride and Passion in the Contemporary Novel.” Yale French Studies 24 (1960): 3-10.‘

Reprinted in: Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 26-32. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

Memoirs of a Dutiful Existentialist: Simone de Beauvoir.” Yale French Studies 27 (1961): 41-47.

Reprinted in: Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 50-55. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

“Mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque.” La Nouvelle Revue Française 98 (1961): 241-58.

“Les mondes proustiens.” Méditations 1 (1962): 97-125.

English translation:
Marcel Proust.” In Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 56-70. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

“De Dante à la sociologie du Roman.” Revue Belge de Sociologie (1963): 263- 69.

Marivaudage, Hypocrisy, and Bad Faith.” The American Magazine of the French Legion of Honor 34/3 (1963): 163-74.

Reprinted in: Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 71-79. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

“Des formes aux structures, en littérature et ailleurs.” Modern Language Notes 78/5 (1963): 504-19.

English translation:
Formalism and Structuralism in Literature and the Human Sciences.” In Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 80-95. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

“Métaphysique du souterrain dans Les possédés.” La Table Ronde 183 (April 1963): 73-76.

“Racine, poète de la gloire.” Critique 205 (June 1964): 484-506.

English translation:
Racine, Poet of Glory.” In Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 96-124. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

“Camus’s Stranger Retried.” Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 79 (December 1964): 519-33.

“Monstres et demi-dieux dans l’oeuvre de Hugo.” Symposium 29/1 (1965): 50-57.

Monsters and Demigods in Hugo.” In Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 125-33. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.
“Mostri e semidei nell’opera di Hugo. A cura di Federica Casini” In Filosofia e Teologia XX/2 (May-August 2006): 345-354.

“De l’expérience romanesque au mythe oedipien.” Critique 21/222 (1965): 899-924.

“L’anti-héros et les salauds.” In: Mercure de France 353 (1965) 422-49.

English translation:
Bastards and the Antihero in Sartre.” In Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 134-59. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

“Réflexions critiques sur les recherches littéraires.” Modern Language Notes 81 (1966): 307-24.

English translation:
Critical Reflections on Literary Studies.” In Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 160-74. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

“Symétrie et dissymétrie dans le mythe d’Oedipe.” Critique no. 249 (January 1968): 99-135.

“Pour un nouveau procès de L’etranger.” Revue de Lettres Modernes 170/74 (1968): 13-52.

Italian translation in:
Il risentimento. Lo scacco del desiderio nell’uomo contemporaneo. Trans. Alberto Signorini, con introduzione di Stefano Tomelleri. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 1999.

“Dionysos et la genèse violente du sacré.” Poétique 3 (1970): 266-81.

English Translation:
“Dionysus and the Violent Genesis of the Sacred.” Translated by Sandor Goodhart. Boundary 2 5/2 (1977): 487–506.

“Perilous Balance: A Comic Hypothesis.” Modern Language Notes 87 (December 1972): 811-26.

Reprinted in: »To double business bound«: Essays on Literature, Mimesis, and Anthropology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978.
French translation: “Un équilibre périlleux: essai d’interprétation du comique.” Les Saisons de Saint-Jean 20 (1987): 5-21.
Reprinted in: La voix méconnue du réel. Une théorie des mythes archaïques et modernes. Traduit de l’anglais par B. Formentelli. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 2002.
German translation in: Die verkannte Stimme des Realen. Eine Theorie archaischer und moderner Mythen. Trans. Petra Willim. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2005.

“Système du délire. Review of ‘L’anti-Oedipe,’ by Gilles Deleuze.” Critique 28/306 (1972): 957-96.

“Work in Progress.” Diacritics 2/2 (Summer 1972): 35-40.

“More Than Fancy’s Images.” L’Infini (1973).

“Vers une définition systematique de sacré.” Liberté 87-88 (July 1973): 58-74.

“Discussion avec René Girard.” Esprit 429 (November 1973): 528-63.

“Lévi-Strauss, Frye, Derrida and Shakespearean Criticism.” Diacritics 3/3 (Autumn 1973): 34-38.

“Das Evangelium legt die Gewalt bloß.” In: Orientierung 38/5 (1974): 53-56.

“The Plague in Literature and Myth.” Texas Studies 15/5 (1974): 833-50.

French translation in: La voix méconnue du réel. Une théorie des mythes archaïques et modernes. Traduit de l’anglais par B. Formentelli. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 2002.
German translation in: Die verkannte Stimme des Realen. Eine Theorie archaischer und moderner Mythen. Trans. Petra Willim. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2005.

“French Theories of Fictions, 1947–1974.” The Bucknell Review 21/1 (1976): 117-26.

“Les malédictions contre les Pharisiens et la révélation évangélique.” Bulletin du Centre Protestant d’Études 27/3 (1975): 5-29.

“Differentiation and Undifferentiation in Lévi-Strauss and Current Critical Theory.” Contemporary Literature 17/3 (Summer 1976): 404-29.

Reprinted in: Directions for Criticism, ed. Murray Krieger and L. S. Dembo, 111-36. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1977.

“Superman and the Underground: Strategies of Madness – Nietzsche, Wagner and Dostoyevsky.” Modern Language Notes 91 (1976): 1161-85.

French translation in: La voix méconnue du réel. Une théorie des mythes archaïques et modernes. Traduit de l’anglais par B. Formentelli. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 2002.
German translation in: Die verkannte Stimme des Realen. Eine Theorie archaischer und moderner Mythen. Trans. Petra Willim. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2005.

“Violence and Representation in the Mythical Text.” Modern Language Notes 92/5 (1977): 922-44.

Reprinted in: »To double business bound«: Essays on Literature, Mimesis, and Anthropology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978.
French translation in: La voix méconnue du réel. Une théorie des mythes archaïques et modernes. Traduit de l’anglais par B. Formentelli. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 2002.
German translation in: Die verkannte Stimme des Realen. Eine Theorie archaischer und moderner Mythen. Trans. Petra Willim. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2005.

“Mimesis and Violence: Perspectives in Cultural Criticism.” Berkshire Review 14 (1979).

“L’an prochain à Jérusalem.” Le Nouvel Observateur, May 7, 1979, 84-85.

“Rite, travail, science.” Critique 380 (January 1979): 20-34.

“Interdividual Psychology.” Denver Quarterly 14/3 (1979): 3-19.

“Review of ‘Ce que je crois,’ by André Chouraqui.” Le Nouvel Observateur, May 7, 1979, 84-85.

“Vers une nouvelle anthropologie (Review of: Georges-Hubert de Radkowski: Les jeux du désir).” Le Monde, May 10, 1980.

“Peter’s Denial and the Question of Mimesis (Mk 14:66-72).” Notre Dame English Journal: A Journal of Religion in Literature 14/3 (Summer 1982): 177-89.

“Derrière la modestie de I’approche, un projet vaste se dessine” (Review of: Jacques Attali, Histoires du temps). Le Matin, December 27, 1982.

“Job et le bouc émissaire.” Bulletin du Centre Protestant d’Études 35/6 (1983): 9-33.

“Le démolisseur de l’Olympe.” Le Nouvel Observateur, February 4, 1983, 70- 75.

“Od Zalozenia Swiata.” Litteratura na Swiecie 149/12 (1983).

“Rzeczy ukryte od zalozenia swiata, przelozyla Miroslawa Goszczynska.” Litteratura na Swiecie 149/12 (1983): 74-182.

“Un prétexte pour régler les comptes.” Le Nouvel Observateur,  February 26, 1983, 67.

“Esprit de concurrence: des vertus inaltérables.” Le Point no. 553 (May 1983): 80.

“History and the Paraclete.” The Ecumenical Review 35/1 (January 1983): 3-16.

Reprint of the last chapter of Le bouc émissaire (1982).

“Scandal and the Dance: Salome in the Gospel of Mark.” Ballet Review 10/4 (1983): 67-76.

“More Than Fancys Image (Shakespeare).” Infini 1 (1983) 75-93.

“The Bible Is Not a Myth.” Literature and Belief 4 (1984): 7-15.

“Dionysus Versus the Crucified.” Modern Language Notes 99/4 (1984) 816-835.

French translation in: La voix méconnue du réel. Une théorie des mythes archaïques et modernes. Traduit de l’anglais par B. Formentelli. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 2002.
German translation in: Die verkannte Stimme des Realen. Eine Theorie archaischer und moderner Mythen. Trans. Petra Willim. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2005.

“Generative Violence and the Extinction of Social Order (Dynamics of Mimetic Rivalry Exposed by the Gospels).” Salmagundi: A Quarterly of the Humanities and Social Sciences 63/64 (1984): 204-37.

“Hamlet’s Dull Revenge.” Stanford Literature Review 1/2 (Fall 1984): 159-200.

Shortened versions reprinted in:
Literary Theory/Renaissance Texts, ed. David Quint and Patricia Parker, 280-302. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.
A Theater of Envy: William Shakespeare. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991, 271-89.

“Review of ‘Le 19e siècle à travers les âges,’ by Philippe Murray.” Commentaire 27 (Autumn 1984): 613-16.

“Scandal and the Dance: Salome in the Gospel of Mark.” New Literary History 15/2 (1984): 311-24.

“La Différence Franco-Américaine.” L’ Expansion. Special issue entitled “Demain la France” (October/ November 1984): 275-81.

“Exorciser la violence.” Le Figaro, April 15, 1985, 2.

“Faits divers et bonne nouvelle.” Autrement 75 (1985): 180-90.

“La danza di Salomé.” Filosofia della danza, suppl. a Alfabeta 78 (1985) 8-11.

“Demaskacja przemocy w ewangelicznym opisie Meki.” In: W drodze 4/140 (1985) 17-28.

“The Ancient Trail Trodden by the Wicked’: Job as Scapegoat.” Semeia 33 (1985): 13-41.

“Nietzsche and Contradiction.” Stanford Italian Review 6/1-2 (1986): 53-65.

“What Is the Question?” The Stanford Magazine 14/4 (1986): 60.

“Dieu et l’esprit moderne.” L’Express, April 11, 1986, 36-38.

“Le jeu des secrets interdits. (Review of Milan Kundera).” Le Nouvel Observateur 1150 (1986): 102-3.

“La morne vengeance de Hamlet.” Les Saisons de Saint-Jean 15&16 (1986): 23-38, 5-35.

“The Gospel Passion as Victim’s Story.” Trans. Yvonne Freccero. CrossCurrents 36/1 (1986): 28–38.

“The Victim.” Books and Religion (1986) 17.

“Quelques clés des désordres collectifs marche.” Le Figaro 9, no.10 (May 1987): 18.

“Serres, le philosophe en marche.” (Review of Michel Serres, Statues). Le Figaro Littéraire, December 7, 1987, 3f.

“Ritual Killing and Cultural Formation.” Zyzzyva 3/1 (1987): 98-104.

“Violence et société.” Revue des Deux Mondes 12/35 (1988): 91-98.

“Des chiffres et des hommes.” (Review of: Georges_Hubert de Radkowski, Métamorphoses de la Valeur). L’Express, May 13-19, 1988, 186.

“Is There a Need for Performance Appraisals.” Personnel Journal 67/8 (1988) 89-90.

“Do You Believe Your Own Theory? French Triangles in the Shakespeare of James Joyce.” Stanford Slavic Studies (1989).

“Hen imod en systematisk definition af det hellige.” Paradigma 4 (1989) 23-30.

“Génie et démons du christianisme,’ in ‘Fanatisme: la menace religieuse.'” Le Nouvel Observateur, October 5-11, 1989, 20.

“Love Delights in Praises: A Reading of ‘The Two Gentlemen of Verona.’ ” Philosophy and Literature 13/2 (1989): 231-47.

“Do You Love Him Because I Do?: Mimetic Interaction in Shakespeare’s Comedies.” Helios 17/1 (Spring 1990): 89-107.

“The Crime and Conversion of Leontes in ‘The Winter’s Tale.'” Religion and Literature 22/2-3 (1990): 193-219.

“Innovation and Repetition.” SubStance 62-63 (1990): 7-20.

Reprinted in: Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 230-45. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.
French translation in: La voix méconnue du réel. Une théorie des mythes archaïques et modernes. Traduit de l’anglais par B. Formentelli. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 2002.
German translation in: Die verkannte Stimme des Realen. Eine Theorie archaischer und moderner Mythen. Trans. Petra Willim. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2005.

“Religion et Démocratie.” Le Nouvel Observateur, March 1990.

“Croyez-vous vous même à Votre propre théorie.” Le Règle du Jeu 1 (May 1990): 254-77.

Love and Hate in ‘Yvain.'” Recherches et Recontres 1 (1990): 249-62.

Reprinted in: Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953–2005, edited by R. Doran, 214-29. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

“Collective Violence and Sacrifice in Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar.'” Salmagundi: A Quarterly of the Humanities and Social Sciences 88-89 (1991): 399-419.

“L’apothéose des victimes.” Le Nouvel Observateur, January 23-29, 1992, 54-55.

“Is There Anti-Semitism in the Gospels?” Biblical Interpretation: A Journal of Contemporary Approaches 1/3 (November 1993): 339-52.

French translation in: La voix méconnue du réel. Une théorie des mythes archaïques et modernes. Traduit de l’anglais par B. Formentelli. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 2002.
German translation in: Die verkannte Stimme des Realen. Eine Theorie archaischer und moderner Mythen. Trans. Petra Willim. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2005.

“Mythology, Violence, Christianity.” Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 4/2 (1995): 103-16.

“Are the Gospels Mythical?” First Things 62 (April 1996): 27-31.

“Eating Disorders and Mimetic Desire.” Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 3 (Spring 1996): 1-20.

German translation: “Hungerkünstler: Eßstörungen Und Mimetisches Begehren.” Edited by Susanne Mettauer. Sinn und Form 57/3 (June 2005): 344–62.

“La dernière tentative de Jean Paul II: et la vérité du Christianisme.” Revue des Deux Mondes, May 2000, 16–21.

“Violence et Religion.“ In Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 56 (2000): 1123.

“Gewalt und Gegenseitigkeit.” Aus dem Französischen von U. Kunzmann. Sinn und Form 54/4 (Juli/August 2002): 437–454.

“From ‘Violence and the Sacred’.” In Understanding Religious Sacrifice: A Reader, ed. Jeffrey Carter, 239-275. London: Continuum Publ., 2003.

“I buoni selvaggi e gli altri.” In Studi Perugini 5/10 (2000) 13-23.

“From Ritual to Science.” Trans. Trina Marmarelli and Matthew Tiews. Configurations 8 (2000) 171185.

“Nachricht von Neuerung, die drauf und drunter geht.” Aus dem Französischen von Petra Willim. In Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung no. 266, November 13, 2004, 41.

“On Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ.” Anthropoetics: The Journal of Generative Anthropology 10/1 (2004).

Italian translation: “‘La Passione di Cristo’ di Mel Gibbson.” In La violenza allo specchio: Passione e sacrificio nel cinema contemporaneo, edited by Pierpaolo Antonello and Eleonora Bujatti, 11-18. Collana La realtà umana 5. Massa: Transeuropa, 2009.

“Violence and Religion: Cause or Effect?” The Hedgehog Review 6/1 (Spring 2004): 8–20.

“Une expérience mystique moderne.” Le Monde, December 16, 2005.

“Sarebbe Ridicolo Proibirne l’uso.” La Repubblica, July 03, 2007.

“Hamlets angekränkelte Rache.” Sinn und Form 60/4 (August 2008): 512–35.

Girard, René and Pachet, Pierre: “Lettre à Pierre Pachet sur La Violence et le Sacré.” In Cahier Girard, ed. Anspach, Mark R., 58-62. Paris: Edition L’Herne, 2008.

“Die moderne Sorge um die Opfer.” Bulletin DIJG no. 18 (Fall 2009): 33–37.

“I crimini di Edipo Re: Quanto dista il mito dalla Bibbia. Un raffronto tra il signore di Tebe e il biblico Giuseppe.” In La Repubblica, April 27, 2009, 29.

“Nietzsches zweifaches Erbe.” Bulletin DIJG no. 18 (Herbst 2009): 38–43.

“Belonging.”Trans. Rob Grayson. Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 23 (2016): 1-12.

English translation of chapter “Les appartenances” published in: Politiques de Cain. En dialogie avec René Girard, edited by Domenica Mazzù, 19–34. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 2004.

Interviews, Conversations and Round Tables (print, audio, video)

“Discussion avec René Girard.” Esprit 429 (1973) 528-563.

English translation:
Violence, the Sacred, and Things Hidden: A Discussion With René Girard at Esprit 1973. Trans. Andrew J. McKenna. Breakthroughs in Mimetic Theory. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2021.

“Un critico dell’ indeterminatezza, dell’ intuizione e dell’ imitazione. Interview by Michele Ricciardelli.” Uomini e Libri 11/53 (1975): 32-33.

“Interview with René Girard, by Bruce Bassoff.” Denver Quarterly 13/2 (1978): 27-40.

“Interview: René Girard.” Diacritics 8/1 (1978): 31–54.

“Jacques Chancel s’entretient avec René Girard.” France Inter, October 20,1978.

Reissued by Les Choses Cachées, 2016. (Youtube Audio).

“Quand ces choses commenceront … Interview by Philippe Muray.” Tel quel 78 (1978): 37-57.

René Girard: “La subversion judéo-chrétienne. Interview by Jean-Luc Allouche.” Arche 269 (1979): 46-50.

“Violence et mimétisme. Interview by Julien Betbeze and Gérard Leclerc.” Royaliste 288 (1979): 6-7.

“Le ‘scandale’ René Girard. Interview by Jean-Claude Guillebaud.” Le Monde aujourdh’hui (1979): 7,14.

“Quand ces choses commenceront… (suite). Interview by Philippe Muray.” Tel quel 79 (1979): 32-39.

“René Girard. Interview by Pierre Pachet.” La Quinzaine Littéraire (1979).

“‘D’où vient la violence’? Roundtable with René Girard, Christian Mellon, Jean-Marie Muller, Hervé Ott et Jacques Sémelin.” Alternatives non violentes 36 (1980): 49-67.

“La non-violence ou la mort. Interview by Laurence Cossé.” Le Quotidien de Paris (1980): 28-29.

“Conversation with René Girard, by Louise Gulda Larrabure.” Times and Eternity (1981).

“Violence et sacré. Interview by Mireille Poncet.” Phosphore 1 (1981): 44-46.

“Un Colloquio con René Girard. Interview by Jean-Pierre Rosa.” Nuova Umanità 14 (1981): 95-119.

“La Violence et le religieux. Interview by Louis Schneiter.” Construire (1981): 20-21.

“René Girard: Bible et ethnologie. Interview by Michel Augendre and Bernard Sauvagnat.” Signes des Temps (1982): 27-29.

“Débat, séance du 21 juin 1982.” In Modèles formels de la philosophie sociale et politique: Recherches pour un séminaire, ed. M. Aglietta, J.-P. Dupuy, and others, 166-81. Cahiers du CREA 1. Paris: Centre de recherche épistémologie et autonomie, 1982.

“L’Amérique n’est pas organisée pour l’impéralisme. Interview by Gérard Leclerc and Bertrand Renouvin.” Royaliste 368 (1982): 6-7.

“Eugène Mannoni fait le point avec René Girard.” Le Point 511 (1982): 95-101.

“René Girard, le bouc émissaire. Interview by Philippe Muray.” Art Press International 60 (1982): 27-29.

“Le bouc émissaire. Interview by Pierre Pachet.” La Quinzaine Litteraire 372 (1982): 23-24.

“Une connivence ambiguë. Interview by Guitta Pessis-Pasternak.” Arche (1982): 90-91.

“Démonter les mécanismes de la persécution. Interview by Bertrand Renouvin.” Royaliste 362 (1982): 6-7.

“Conversation avec René Girard. Interview by Nadine Dormoy Savage.” The French Review 56/5 (1983): 711-19.

“Claudel Catholique. Interview by Jacques Henric.” Art Press 70 (1983): 10-12.

“Interview with René Girard, by Guitta Pessis-Pasternak.” Le Monde Dimanche (1983): 14.

“L’Apocalisse non viene da Dio. Interview by Sergio Quinzio.” La Stampa (1983).

“Table ronde avec René Girard et Jean-Pierre Dupuy (transcription), by Bertrand Renouvin.” Cité 4 (1983): 11-34.

“Intervista all’autore de ‘La violenza e il sacro’. Interview by Carlo Sini.” Corriere della Sera (1983).

Entretiens avec le Monde: 1. Philosophes, ed. Christian Delacampagne. Paris: Editions La Découverte / Le Monde 1984.

“Opera and Myth. An Interview with René Girard, by P. Godefroid.” Avant Scene Opera 76 (1985): 115-16.

Reprinted in: Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy, edited by Cynthia L. Haven, 17–20. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.

“Une Théologie rationelle. Interview by Roland Jaccard.” 24 heures (1985): 51.

“René Girard: Littérature et religion mêlées. Interview by François Lagarde.” Art Press International (1985): 103-25.

“La civilisation devient pour elle-même la menace absolue. Interview by Gérard Leclerc.” Le Quotidien de Paris (1985): 16-17.

“Les malheurs de Job: Un mythe biblique enfin rendu clair. Round table with René Girard, Bertrand Renouvin, Philippe Cailleux, Julien Betbèze, Alain Flamand, and Patrice Le Roué.” Royaliste 426 (1985): 6-7.

“René Girard: Interview by Scott Walter.” The Birth of Tragedy 3 (May-July 1985).

Reprinted as: “Technological Power in the Post-Sacrificial World (1985).” In Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy, edited by Cynthia L. Haven, 21–31. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.

“Georges Suffert fait le point avec René Girard: Job, bouc émissaire.” Le Point 660 (1985): 72-78.

“Comparative Literature: Storming the Barricades between Academic Fields. Interview by Mary Ann Seawell.” Stanford Observer (1986): 13.

“The Logic of the Undecidable: An Interview with René Girard, by Thomas F. Bertonneau.” Paroles Gelées 5 (1987): 1-24.

Reprinted in: Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy, edited by Cynthia L. Haven, 33–49. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.

“Entretien avec René Girard: Simone Weil: Une femme pour la France, by Christian de Maussion.” Art Politique et Littéraire 1 (1987): 12.

Reprinted in:
Simone Weil, edited by Emmanuel Gabellieri and François L’Yvonnet, 27–34. Cahiers de l’Herne 105. Paris: Éditions de l’Herne, 2014.

“L’auto-organisation du physique au politique. Interview by Gérard Ponthieu.” In Création et désordre, 13-52. Paris: L’Originel/Radio France 1987.

“Austen, Jane and the Romantic Lyric: ‘Persuasion’ and Coleridge Conversation Poems. Interview by K.G. Thomas.” English Literary History 54,4 (1987): 893-924.

“Simone Weil vue par René Girard. Interview by Christian de Maussion.” In: Cahiers Simone Weil 11/3 (1988): 201-13.

“Ma sul capro espiatorio si scaricava la violenza. Interview by Paolo Tortonese.” Corriere della Sera (1988): 3.

“Entretien avec René Girard, by Eric Jauffret.” Notre Histoire 61 (1989): 40-44.

“René Girard: En Europe centrale, un président fort est indispensable. Interview by Jean-François Bouthors,” La Croix (1990): Section “Portraits”.

“Se la vita è desiderio. Interview by Gabriella Ermini.” La Nazione (1990) .

“Sulle tracce del desiderio. Interview by Andrea Frullini.” La Repubblica, July 12, 1990.

“Offeret og den sakrale vold (‘Sacrifice and Sacred Violence’). Interview by Hans Jørgen Lundager Jensen and Jørgen Jørgensen.” Kristeligt Dagblad (1990): 5.

“René Girard annexe Shakespeare. Interview by Philippe Petit.” L’Evénement du Jeudi 320 (1990): 94-95.

“Intervista à René Girard: Il Pacifismo tragico, by Giovanni Benzoni.” Mosaico di pace (1991): 16-17.

“Paradoksets Dekonstruktion: Interview med René Girard, by Jørgen Jørgensen.” Paradoks 1 (1991): 34-37.

“L’invité de Vendredi: René Girard. Interview by Patricia Jaffray.” Vendredi 86 (1991): 23.

“Table ronde autour de René Girard.” In Répétitions: Le même et ses avatars dans la culture angloaméricaine, ed. J. P. Régis. Publications des Groupes de Recherches anglo-américaines 8, 5-14. Tours: Université François Rabelais de Tours, 1991.

“René Girard: C’est un rempart contre la destruction sociale. Interview by Isabelle Girard.” In L’Événement du jeudi (1992): 71-73.

“Violence, Difference, Sacrifice: A Conversation with René Girard. Interview by Rebecca Adams.” In Religion & Literature 25/2 (1993): 11-33.

Reprinted in:
Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy, edited by Cynthia L. Haven, 51–72. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.

“Interview with René Girard, by Richard J. Golsan.” In René Girard and Myth: An Introduction, ed. Richard J. Golsan, 129-49. Theorists of Myth 7 = Garland Reference Library of the Humanities 1194. New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc. 1993.

“Entretien avec René Girard: Propos recueillis par Marie-Louise Martinez.” In Revue Internationale d’Education à Sèvres (1994): 1-19.

“Gespräch mit René Girard, by Michael Jakob.” In Aussichten des Denkens, ed. Michael Jakob, 155-76. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag 1994.

“Kein Ende mit den Sündenböcken?: Denkanstöße für die Theologie von René Girard. Interview by Johannes Kaup.” In: ORF/Ö1: Reihe: Logos, Theologie und Leben (1994). Tape recording: 25 minutes.

“Wie is er bang van Virginia Woolf? Een interview met René Girard, by Guido Vanheeswijck and Peter van Olmen.” In René Girard, het labyrint von het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Paul Pelckmans and Guido Vanheeswijck, 133-49. Kapellen: Pelckmans 1996.

“Dialogo tra il Cardinale Carlo Maria Martini e René Girard.” In Fedi e violenze, ed. Carlo Maria Martini. Cattedra dei non credenti 9, 37-42. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier 1997.

“Interview with René Girard: Comments on Christianity, Scapegoating, and Sacrifice.” In: Religion 27 (1997): 249-54.

“Entrevista com René Girard, by Pedro Sette-Câmara, Alvaro Velloso De Carvalho, and Olavo De Carvalho.” O Indivíduo (blog), November 19, 2000.

English translation: “I Am First and Foremost a Social Scientist. Interview by Pedro Sette-Câmara, Alvaro Velloso De Carvalho, and Olavo De Carvalho.” In Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy, edited by Cynthia L. Haven, 181–85. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.

“Essen ist voller Gewalt: Interview by Otto Friedrich, in: Furche 41, Oktober 2000.

“Il mito rivoltato. Conversazione con Maria Stella Barberi.“ Traduzione dal francese di Paolo Casuscelli. In Studi Perugini V/10 (lugliodicembre 2000): 20548.

“Intervista a Renè Girard.“ intervista realizzata da Irene Santori per “uomini e profeti” nella puntata di Sabato 4 novembre 2000. In Radio Tre, November 4, 2000.

“Ce qui se joue aujourd’hui est une rivalité mimétique à l’échelle planétaire. Interview by Henri Tincq.” Le Monde, November 5, 2001.

“What Is Happening Today Is Mimetic Rivalry on a Global Scale. Interview with Henri Tincq.” In Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy, edited by Cynthia L. Haven, 85–89. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
“‘Heute geht es um mimetische Rivalität auf planetarer Ebene.’ Gespräch mit Henri Tincq.” In Im Wettstreit Um Das Gute. Annäherungen an Den Islam Aus Der Sicht Der Mimetischen Theorie, edited by Wilhelm Guggenberger and Wolfgang Palaver, translated by Elisabeth Mainberger-Ruh, 23–28. Beiträge Zur Mimetischen Theorie 25. Wien: LIT, 2009.

“Débat public avec questions entre René Girard et Jean-Claude Guillebaud. Réalisé par Maria Koleva.” Télérama, 19 novembre 2001. Les Choses Cachées, 2016. (Youtube video).  

 “Gespräch mit René Girard von Wolfgang Palaver.” Aus dem Englischen von Heide Lipecky. In Sinn und Form 53/6 (2001): 76074.

“Interview met René Girard, by Hans Weigand.” In Na-apers en zondebokken: Over waarheid en leugen in de roman, ed. Weigand, Hans, 22-25. Utrecht: ICS; Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 2001.

“La guerra per avere la pace? Intervista a Rene Girard.” In Radio Rai (Italy), October 20, 2001.

“The Scapegoat: the thought of Rene Girard. Produced by David Cayley. CBC Radio (public Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), March 5-9, 2001.

“The Scapegoat: the thought of Rene Girard. Interview by Paul Kennedy,” produced by David Cayley. In CBC radio, March 6, 2006 (podcast, 5 parts).
“René Girard CBC interview. Reissued from CBC Rebroadcast in 2011, Youtube, January 26, 2013 (Youtube audio, 5 parts)

“Le désir mimétique. Interview by Maria Stella Barberi.” In Nouvelles Clés (2002).

“Penser le mal: Entretien avec René Girard, Jean-Pierre Dupuy à l’émission Répliques de Alain Finkielkraut.” France Culture, November 23, 2002. (Audio file).

“Que valent nos valeurs? Interview: René Girard, by Laurent d’Ersu and Robert Migliorini.” La Croix, December 13, 2002.

English translation:
“What Are Our Values Worth? Interview by Laurent d’Ersu and Robert Migliorini.” Trans. Andreas Wilmes and David Dawson. The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 1, no. 2 (2017): 201–201.

“Psicoanalisi e teoria mimetica. Conversazione di Sergio Benvenuto con René Girard in collaborazione con Maurizio Meloni.” Rivista italiana di GruppoAnalisi XVII/3 (2003): 133-48.

English translation:
“Psychoanalysis and Sacrifice: Difference and Identity between Psychoanalysis and Mimetic Theory. A Conversation of Sergio Benvenuto with René Girard. In collaboration with Maurizio Meloni.” JEP: European Journal of Psychoanalysis no. 14 (Winter-Spring 2002).

“The God of the Apocalypse. Interview by Attilio Scarpellini.” L’Espresso no. 25 (June 12, 2003).

“Violence & the Lamb Slain: Interview by Brian McDonald.” Touchstone 16/10 (December 2003).

 “De noodzakelijke terugkeer tot de bijbel (vertaling van ‚Le nécessaire retour à la Bible’). Interview by Thomas Regnier.“ In Magazine littéraire 433 (2004): 98-103.

“Les appartenances.” In Politiques de Cain. En dialogie avec René Girard, edited by Domenica Mazzù, 19–33. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 2004.

“Les ruses du désir. Interview by Jean-Claude Guillebaud.” In Nouvel Observateur no. 2069  (July 2004).

“René Girard, l’anthropologue du désir: un podcast à écouter en ligne, par Raphaël Enthoven.” Radiofrance, rediffusion de l’émission du 30/08/2004.

“A Conversation with René Girard, by David W. Gill.” The Ellul Forum no. 35 (Spring 2005): 19–20.

“Aux origines de la culture. Interview by Benoît Chantre and Annie Chevallay.” In Metropolis, ARTE, December 10, 2005.

“Entretien avec René Girard, by Laurent Linneuil and Guillaume de Tanoüarn.” La nouvelle revue Certitudes, no. 16 (2005): 35–50.

English translation:
“Facing the Devil’s Test: The Truth According to René Girard. Interview by by Laurent Linneuil and Guillaume de Tanoüarn.” Trans. Andreas Wilmes and David Dawson. The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 1/2 (2017): 204–19.

“Jesus, Unser Sündenbock. Interview mit Thomas Assheuer.” Die Zeit, March 25, 2005, 25.

“La passion. Entretiens avec Benoît Chantre.” Conférence de René Girard au Centre Pompidou, 30 mars 2005. Centre Pompidu Video, 2005.

“Ratzinger Is Right. Interview with Nathan Gardels.” New Perspectives Quarterly 22/3 (Summer 2005): 43–48.

German translation: “‘Das Christentum ist allen anderen Religionen überlegen’. Warum der katholische Denker René Girard den Kreuzzug von Benedikt XVI. gegen den Relativismus unterstützt. Interview by Nathan Gardels.” Trans. Jacob Gerson. Die Welt, May 14, 2005.

“Religions, rites, violence. Interview by Benoît Chantre and Michel Crépu.” Revue des Deux Mondes, September 2005, 117–26.

“René Girard, de l’Académie française. Discours de sa remise d’épée et de sa réception sous la Coupole. Ecoutez les discours de Michel Albert, Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Marc Fumaroli, René Girard et Michel Serres prononcés à l’occasion de la réception de René Girard à l’Académie française.” Canal Académie (December 2005).

“René Girard on Ritual Sacrifice and the Scapegoat. Interview by Robert Pogue Harrison.” Entitled Opinions, October 4, 2005.

Reprinted as: “Why Do We Fight? How Do We Stop? (2005).” In Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy, edited by Cynthia L. Haven, 109–24. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
German translation: “Warum kämpfen wir? Und wie können wir aufhören? Interview by Robert Pogue Harrison.” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, March 9, 2019.

“René Girard: Why We Want What We Want. Interview by Robert Pogue Harrison.” Entitled Opinions, September 17, 2005.

Reprinted as: “Shakespeare, Mimesis, and Desire (2005).” In Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy, edited by Cynthia L. Haven, 93–108. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
German translation: “René Girard: Neid ist die Triebfeder unseres Begehrens. Interview by Robert Pogue Harrison.” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, August 4, 2019. 

Dialogue on creative mimesis and peace: Colloquium on Violence and Religion, May 31 to June 4, 2006. With René Girard, Walter Wink and Duncan Morrow. Ottawa: St. Paul University, 2006: DVD-Video.

La violence et le sacré. Réalisation: Pierre-André Boutang, Benoît Chantre et Annie Chevallay. Collection Regards. Editions Montparnasse, 2006: DVD-Video (173 min).

“Les travaux publics de René Girard. Interview by Jean Lebrun.” In France culture, March 15, 2006. (Youtube audio).

“On Violence and Religion: Reports and Interviews from the COV&R Conference 2007 in Ottawa, by Cayley, David.” In CBC radio, October 2, 2006 (part one) and October 9, 2006 (part two).

Girard, René and Vattimo, Gianni: “Conversation about Truth and Relativism.” In Transeuropalibri, November 25, 2006: Online-Video (Youtube video).

“Gespräch mit René Girard, by Wolfgang Palaver,” edited by Heide Lipecky. Sinn und Form 59/4 (August 2007): 454–61.

“J’accuse di René Girard. Le idee spietate di un grande pensatore. Interview by Giulio Meotti.” Il Foglio, March 20, 2007.

English translations:
“Intellectuals as Castrators of Meaning An Interview with Réne Girard.” Intercollegiate Studies Institute (blog), October 8, 2014.
“The J’accuse of René Girard: The Audacious Ideas of a Great Thinker. Interview by Giulio Meotti.” In Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy, edited by Cynthia L. Haven, translated by Francis R. Hittinger, 147–52. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.

“Le Sens de l’histoire. Entretiens de René Girard avec Benoît Chantre réalisés à l’occasion de l’exposition “Traces du sacré” au Centre Pompidou (2008).” Recherches .Mimétiques, December 07, 2007. (Youtube video).

“René Girard: ‘la guerre est partout’: Propos recueillis par Élisabeth Lévy.” Le Point, October 18, 2007.

English translation:
“War Is Everywhere. Interview with Elisabeth Levy.” In Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy, edited by Cynthia L. Haven, 125–28. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.

“Achever Clausewitz. Roundtable with René Girard, Robert Hamerton-Kelly, Wolfgang Palaver, and Jean-Pierre Dupuy.” COV&R Conference 2008, Riverside/USA, June 18 – 22. ImitatioVideo, June 20, 2008 (Youtube, 4 parts)

“An Interview with René Girard, by Grant Kaplan.” First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion & Public Life, November 6, 2008.

“Apocalyptic Thinking after 9/11: An Interview by Robert Doran.” SubStance: A Review of Theory & Literary Criticism 371 (2008): 20–32.

Reprinted in: Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy, edited by Cynthia L. Haven, 167–79. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
Italian translation printed in: Prima dell’Apocalisse. Trans. B. Amali. Transeuropa Edizioni, 2010. 

“Conférence de René Girard sur le site de fouilles à CatalHöyük, avec la participation de Maurice Godelier, P. Alain Mattheeuws, Jean Vanier et René Girard.” Extraits du colloque organisé le 22 novembre 2008 au Collège des Bernardins. KTO, February 17, 2009. (KTO video)

“Entretien, by Mark R. Anspach.” In Cahier Girard, edited by Mark R. Anspach, 22–28. Cahiers de l’Herne 89. Paris: Edition L’Herne, 2008.

“Le Christianisme Est Le Seul à Désigner Le Caractère Mimétique de La Violence. Interview by François D’Alançon.” La Croix, 08 2008.

Italian translation: “Ma Dio Non è Violento. Interview by François D’Alançon.” Avvenire, August 30, 2008.

“Ludzkie, arcyludzkie. Interview by Sebastian Duda.” Newsweek (Poland) no. 52 (December 2008): 16–20.

“Rene Girard Speaks on the Genesis of Mimetic Theory.” Imitatio Conference 2008. ImitatioVideo, April 29, 2008. (Youtube video, 2 parts)

“Scapegoating at Çatalhöyük.” Keynote Lecture at COV&R Conference 2008, Riverside/USA, June 18 – 22. ImitatioVideo, June 20, 2008 (Youtube video, 8 parts)

“Stanford’s Rene Girard on the source of human conflict.” In Stanford Report, June 11, 2008 (Video)

“The Bloody Skin of the Victim. Interview by Wolfgang Palaver.” In The New Visibility of Religion: Studies in Religion and Cultural Hermeneutics, edited by Michael Hoelzl and Graham Ward, 59–67. London: Continuum, 2008.

“’Une répétition à variations’: Shakespeare et le désir mimétique. Table ronde.” In Cahier Girard, ed. Anspach, Mark R., 203-211. Paris: Edition L’Herne, 2008.

“‘Christianity Will Be Victorious, But Only In Defeat’: An Interview with René Girard, by Cynthia L. Haven.” First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion & Public Life, July 16, 2009.

Reprinted in: Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy, edited by Cynthia L. Haven, 187–93. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.

“Insights with Rene Girard. Interview by Peter Robinson.” NRO: National Review Online, December 09, 2009. Hoover Institution 2009. (Youtube video).

“L’opposition au darwinisme s’est évaporée. Interview with Hervé Morin.” Le Monde, October 1, 2009.

“René Girard on the Decalogue, part 1. Interview with Pierpaolo Antonello, August, 2009.” Pierpaolo Antonello, 2009 (Youtube video).

“René Girard on the Decalogue, part 2. Interview with Pierpaolo Antonello, August, 2009.” Pierpaolo Antonello, 2009 (Youtube video).

“Scandals, Scapegoats, and the Cross: An Interview with René Girard, by Mack Stirling and Scott Burton.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 43/1 (2010): 107–34. 

“A Conversation with René Girard (August 2006/May 2007), by Phil Rose.” Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture no. 18 (2011): 23–38.

“Mimesis and Science: An Interview with René Girard, by Scott R. Garrels.” In Mimesis and Science: Empirical Research on Imitation and the Mimetic Theory of Culture and Religion, ed. Scott R. Garrels, 215-253. East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University Press, 2011.

“Mimesis, Sacrifice, and the Bible: A Conversation with Sandor Goodhart.” In Sacrifice, Scripture, and Substitution: Readings in Ancient Judaism and Christianity, edited by Ann W. Astell and Sandor Goodhart, 39–69. Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2011.

“Rene Girard on Peter’s Denial. Interview by Steven E. Berry.” Steven Berry, 2012. (Youtube video).

“The 10th Commandment and Mimetic Theory: René Girard on Scripture, Part 1. Interview by Steven E. Berry.” Steven Berry, 2012. (Youtube video).

“René Girard on Scripture, Part 2. Interview by Steven E. Berry.” Steven Berry, 2012. (Youtube video).

“Entretien avec Pascale Tison,” RTBF, diffusé le 9 décembre 2015. Les Choses Cachées, January 26, 2020. (Youtube video).

“Je Serais Curieux d’avoir Votre Âge. Interview by Pierre Farge.” Contrepoints, November 11, 2015.

English translation:
“‘I Would like to Be Your Age… Interview by Pierre Farge.’” Trans. Andreas Wilmes and David Dawson. The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 1/2 (2017): 220–23.

“Le rôle de la violence dans la culture humaine.” Une conférence enregistrée en décembre 2007. France Culture, February 13, 2017 (Video)

“Shakespeare: Mimesis and Desire: A Dialogue between René Girard and Robert Pogue Harrison (2005). Introduced by Cynthia Haven.” Standpoint, December 3, 2018.

Reprinted in: Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy, edited by Cynthia L. Haven, 93–108. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.

“There Are Real Victims Behind the Text. Round Table Stanford 1981 with René Girard, Ronald Hilton, Jane Arnold, Carl Rubino, and Eric Gans.” In Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy, edited by Cynthia L. Haven, 07–15. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. (Reprint from Disorder and Order, 1984).

“L’Europe en question. René Girard: Les Français se font peur eux-mêmes. Interview by Vera Kornicker.” In: Le Figaro, n.d..

The Bibliography of René Girard will be improved and updated regularly. We invite you to send any comments, corrections and additional references via email or by mail to Girard-Documentation, c/o Dr. Dietmar Regensburger, University of Innsbruck, Karl-Rahner-Platz 1, A-6020 Innsbruck / Austria.

The Bibliography of Literature on the Mimetic Theory (Vol. I–XXXIX) is available online.