by Dietmar Regensburger

Most of the items that have been gathered in these bibliographies have now been incorporated into the fully searchable Index Theologicus database. This link will retrieve the items pertaining to mimetic theory, which can then be further filtered. From now on, new entries will be both added to the database and published in separate volumes here.

Vol. LI (published August, 2024)

Vol. L (published August, 2022)

Vol. XLIX (published December, 2021)

Vol. XLVIII (published March, 2021)

Vol. XLVII (published May, 2020)

Vol. XLVI (published May, 2019)

Vol. XLV (published August, 2018)

Vol. XLIV (published November, 2017)

Vol. XLIII (published May, 2017)

Vol. XLII (published February, 2017)

Vol. XLI (published May, 2016, special issue of obituaries, tributes, and articles dedicated to René Girard (1923-2015), part 2)

Vol. XL (published November, 2015 special issue of obituaries, tributes, and articles dedicated to René Girard (1923-2015), part 1)

We invite you to send books and articles dealing with René Girard and Mimetic Theory to Dietmar Regensburger (digital format and references) or to Girard-Documentation, c/o Dr. Dietmar Regensburger, University of Innsbruck, Karl-Rahner-Platz 1, A-6020 Innsbruck / Austria (print copies).

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